Kitale Market & Bus Terminus
Trans-Nzoia County is a county in the former Rift Valley Province, Kenya, located between the Nzoia River and Mount Elgon, 380 km northwest of Nairobi. At its centre is the town of Kitale which is the capital and largest town. Kitale town being a regional hub with a burgeoning population faced the twin issues of disorganized public service vehicles, both local and long distance, and proliferation of hawkers as a result of inadequacy of the main market.

Positioned as a pivotal urban solution, Kitale Market and Bus Terminus would house over 2000 retail vendors, avail parking and circulation space for about 500 vehicles and a myriad of ancillary facility units

A solution was to integrate the two, in one development organizing the buses, matatus & bodabodas and housing the large numbers of street vendors & other retailers. This maintained both their pools of customers while simultaneously cleaning up the streets of the town..
Trans-Nzoia County is a county in the former Rift Valley Province, Kenya, located between the Nzoia River and Mount Elgon, 380 km northwest of Nairobi. At its centre is the town of Kitale which is the capital and largest town. Kitale town being a regional hub with a burgeoning population faced the twin issues of disorganized public service vehicles, both local and long distance, and proliferation of hawkers as a result of inadequacy of the main market.